英國《逐日電訊報》(Telegraph)駐台記者尼古拉史姑娘(Nicola Smith)也在推特暗示,媒體對趙怡翔地攻擊真是夠了!(Dont know whats inspired this media attack on Vincent Chao, but hes one of Taiwans brightest and best diplomats. V bright, works around the clock, fantastically well-connected among foreign diplomats, will represent Taiwan well wherever he goes. Enough already.)
葛來儀除轉推史姑娘的推文,也批評台灣媒體饰演著可恥的脚色。」(Nikki, I’m so glad you posted this. The attacks on Vincent Chao are so unwarranted. Taiwan’s media is playing a shameful role here.)
對此,差人協會秘書長葉毓蘭在臉書暗示,8年前她到美國華府的智庫the The Brookings Institution的東北亞钻研中间客座,葛來儀是她在華府認識的第一個台灣專家。當時葛來儀的主題是:台灣的交际休兵與國際參與。