admin 發表於 2024-6-27 19:43:20



"They are traditionally popular among Chinese travelers, and the rich outdoor resources have made them even more popular among elite travelers. Outdoorsy experiences and adventure tourism have been key trends within domestic tourism rebound."


outdoorsy/,at'dz/:户外的; 加入户外的

中國旅客的“欲望清单” 另有哪些

According to Wendy Min, Group spokesperson, the group has seen an uptick in bookings for bucket list destinations like Shanghai Disney, Beijing's Forbidden City and The Great Wall of China -- all offering "easy, convenient travel, great cultural experiences, and top-rated acco妹妹odations."


"We've seen 小吊梨湯,increased visitor numbers in places like Guangzhou, Chongqing, Zhuhai, and Dunhuang. And Quanzhou -- a newly listed UNESCO site -- is no doubt on many travel wishlists."

泉州 图源:視觉中國


Safety remains paramount, along with除腳臭產品, can't miss experiences and attractive scene酸梅湯,ry that "lends itself to great photography".



CNN報导潤喉糖, 称,在上海和广东等地域自駕遊是最重要的交通方法,很多旅客選擇先乘坐飞機达到某個大都會,再自駕前去故國西南或西北地域。

Driving has become the dominant form of transportation in areas such as Shanghai and Guangdong. Many people will also fly into a top city (like Shanghai) and then take a popular self-d治療甲溝炎,riving route in the southwest and northwest regions of China.
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查看完整版本: 疫情中難以出境遊,中國人都去哪旅遊了?